Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why do I have to Do-Si-Do my way around to find GS cookies?

So I have been receiving twitters, facebook messages and texts all day about sweets...whether it be cupcakes, cookies or candy, I got to hear all about it. It made me hungry, and I knew I needed my sweet tooth fix. I did not have the energy nor the skill to try the wonderful cupcake recipes links that were sent my way, so I decided to find the girl scout cookies.

Here is the problem: When you want the Girl Scout Cookies and you do not know anyone girl scout age, it is very hard to track the cookies down. Seriously, my friend Meg got her cookies SHIPPED IN because she could not find any. I looked on the girl scout website, and I saw that the cookie sales end this weekend. This meant I needed to take action, and fast.

Rx: Find a location that sold my favorite Do-Si-Dos and buy them pronto. The problem with filling that prescription? I can not find a location to buy them. I do not want to drive up and down Broad Street in search of possible cookie locations...might be a cookie monster but not the cookie stalker.

I am lazy enough that I would even order the cookies online, but as this story shows, the Girl Scouts have outlawed the sales of cookies online. Seriously, I do understand why the GS do not allow the individual troops to set up online sales- after all- there are some very scary people out there. But why can't the GS set up a national online cookie ordering site so people like me who actually LOVE the cookies ( and set a troop record for sales back in the day, fyi) but do not have access to a salesperson get the cookies? According to the GS cookie website," These annual activities offer many opportunities for hands-on entrepreneurial activities in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience." In other words, I think this means that the spirit of the cookie sales would be defeated if it all went online. Fine. I get that. But I still want my cookies, and I had to think about how to get them. Now it was a mission.

Then I came up with the perfect solution for the girl scouts: set it up so we can zip code search locations for the cookies! Would this not be fantastic? You could type in your zip code and it would show you all the locations for the girl scouts sales for the week. I would not have to drive around looking for the random display- I could pick and choose my locations.

Yeah, unfortunately for now I will have to pass this along to my local troop when I call and ask them for the cookie information. But if they take me up on this, I could save so many my troubles of hunting down the cookie goodness!

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